It's been a couple of days since I've written, and I have a really good excuse. I had what I'm hesitant to even call surgery, yesterday afternoon. Let me back up a little to explain. I know I said I was going to tell our infertility story from the beginning, but I'm going to jump around a little bit today. I had what I thought was a normal appointment a few weeks ago with my infertility doctor. A routine sonogram and of course more blood work. Sometimes I feel like my doctor is a vampire - every time I turn around they're drawing more blood. It's like that AT&T commercial - we want more, we want more! As it turned out, I was scheduled for a saline sonogram. Not as much fun. They basically stick a balloon in and fill it with saline so they can get a better look. It causes a lot of cramping and is fairly uncomfortable. Unfortunately she didn't get a good enough look the first time and had to do it again. The best news (and that is complete sarcasm) is that they found polyps in my uterus. Polyps aren't necessarily dangerous, but because we're on the road to IVF they want to make sure everything is clean and my uterine wall is smooth. So I needed to schedule surgery. I also found out that day that we had to cancel our vacation because our IVF dates has been pushed back to May. I just should've stayed in bed.
So I call my OBGYN to schedule the surgery. It's a fairly simple surgery - they put me under, shave off the polyps and wake me up. No big deal. We went to a Maundy Thursday service for Holy Week and our friends laid hands on me and prayed for my surgery on Friday. One of my friends insisted on laying her hands on my stomach to pray. Even with all of the prayers I was still feeling anxious for some reason. I didn't sleep well Thursdsay night. I kept waking up and praying from Phillippians - do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition present your requests to God. I woke up early and had an amazing quiet time with God and He gave me peace about the whole situation. I tell you all of that because when they woke me up from my surgery yesterday they told me there were no polyps - they couldn't find anything! I saw the sonogram pictures and I know there was something there. So we're chalking it up to Jesus healing me. I would've rather spent my day off shopping, but I'm glad we went through it - better safe than sorry.
When I had my quiet time yesterday I was just drawn to Phillippians 4:6, which is what I had been reciting in the middle of the night. When I looked it up yesterday morning, I realized I missed a piece while I was praying. The most important piece if you ask me. The actual verse is "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving (italics mine), present your requests to God". I was so busy being anxious that I forgot to give thanks. Verse 4 says "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" I was forgetting to rejoice in God, and once again I wasn't trusting Him fully to take care of me. And not only did He take care of me through surgery, but He healed me completely - more than I could ask or imagine. Oh ye of little faith...Do you know how the passage ends with verse 7? "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". I just have to remember to rejoice, to give thanks and give every situation over to God. Then He will give me peace that surpasses understanding. I put my hope in that verse. It's the only way I can get through this process - with God's peace.
Until next time...
Amber, Thank you for sharing your story. I just had goose bumps head to toe, reading about how God took care of those polyps. I see it as his reassurance to you that He is still in control of every situation. He's got this, he is using this, and because of you sharing, others are blessed through your journey. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose Romans 8:28 What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing. You are a blessing to many :)